Hosting TOTUS TUUS on June 24-28!
TOTUS TUUS, a week long youth Catholic summer program led by TOTUS TUUS missionaries, is dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic Faith through evangelization, catechesis, celebration of the Sacraments and Christian witness! This program is for children entering First Grade all the way up to students in 12th grade!
This year focus is on The Creed and the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. Activities include music, games, Bible lessons, daily Mass and Confession.
For Elementary age children the program runs Monday through Friday, June 24-28, 2024, 9:00am-2:30pm.
Children bring their own sack lunch, but are given a snack & beverage.
For Middle School and High School students, the program is hosted by our Youth Ministry Team, and runs Sunday through Thursday, June 23-27, 2024, 7:00pm-9:00pm.
See the attached flyer and registration form.
If you have any questions, please contact Annalisa Ogle, Faith Formation Coordinator, for the daytime program at . or Fr. Matthew or Katelyn Napier for the evening program, at (906)226-6548.
2024 Totus Tuus Flyer 2024 Totus Tuus Registration Form
For more event options, please visit our home page.
Family Events:
Whole Family events such as the All Saints’ Festival and family picnic will be offered throughout the year. Please watch our Home Page and bulletins for more information and to sign up for meals.
We also offer a monthly Whole Family event, “Ignite”. Ignite is held the second Tuesday of the month, begins at 6:30 pm with a potluck supper in the Parish Hall and is designed for families with a variety of ages. Supper is followed by Eucharistic Adoration with praise in song, a witness talk and Benediction.
High School Resources:
Mass live-streamed on WNOA and the Diocese of Marquette website.
- (our parish code is: XQCXFP)
Divine Mercy Chaplet with the CFRs
Into the Desert // A Lenten Study
Glimpses along the way of the Cross
Father Dave Pivonka:
Father Mike Schmitz: