Religious Education/Youth Ministry

Please go to the following page: Online Resources to find helpful links to continue your faith journey.

For additional High School resources, please go to this page:

Resources – Teens & Youth

Please visit our main Faith Formation tab for information regarding our Faith Formation Office and the Safe Environment Policy.

FAITH FORMATION: Ages 4- Grade 8


  • Registrations should be submitted to the Faith Formation Office at the address below, as soon as possible, to help ensure that we will have materials on the first day of class!
  • Please view the Parent Letter about the program and print the Calendar  as well as the Registration Form 2024-25 complete and attach your payment. Forms will also be available in the parish gathering space beginning on Sept. 2nd.
  • Please ensure your parish registration is complete, and includes all family members.  You may register with the parish online at Register.  Automatic mailings are only generated for children registered also as parishioners.



Our PARVULI DEI (God’s Little Ones in Latin) is for ages 3 and 4 years! Little ones will attend with a parent.  See our Class Flyer!  This liturgically themed class was created by our Faith Formation Coordinator, and is offered every other Wednesday morning, at 10:00 am to 11:00 am.  Here is our class calendar 2024 Fall Parvuli Dei Calendar. The spring calendar will be realeased later in the year.  The first 45 minutes include music and movement, quality Catholic literature and faith formation while developing social skills.  Examples of props used are scarves, simple music instruments, hoola hoops, and a parachute!  The last fifteen minutes are for both children and mothers to socialize with each other, and have some fun! To register, please print out Parvuli Dei Registration form.



Faith Formation Program Details:

We will have a blessing of catechists on Catechetical Sunday, Sept. 15th, at the 10:30 am Mass, and class will begin the following Sunday, September 22nd.  Again, this year we will hold class at 9:00 -10:15 am!

Faith Formation: Classes Ages 4 – grade 8:

Ages 4 – Grade 8 Faith Formation classes begin on  Sunday, Sept 22nd, 2024.    Grades 1-8 will meet in the Bishop’s Room at 9:00 am to pray together, then proceed to class, and dismiss at 10:15 am in the gathering area.  Parents are asked to attend the first fifteen minutes for family catechesis and announcements. Our Faith Formation classes take place in the Cathedral classrooms on main floor and basement.  They follow the diocesan curriculum standards using a variety of resources.  To learn more about the curriculum we are offering this year, please go to Parent Letter.  You can also look at resource links for more resources.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd:  (ages 4-5) Children ages 4-5 are highly encouraged to join  our faith formation program, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS).  CGS has a full age-appropriate curriculum which allows the child a space and time to encounter God, drawing them deeper into relationship with Him.  Please see our general Faith Formation calendar for dates, our CGS flyer and the Resource Links page for more information.

First Reconciliation/Eucharist Preparationplease visit First Communion

High School Faith Formation Calendar — 2021 – 2022

High School Faith Formation: grade 9 – 12:  This year we will be focusing on building a deeper relationship with Jesus through prayer and adoration, learning more about the Holy Spirit through Father Dave Pivonka’s the Wild Goose series from, and diving into the healing power of Jesus & what He has to offer us through that. We will be using Sister Miriam’s book: Loved as I am and Dr. Bob Schuchts book: Be Healed to dive further into that. To see more on our focus for this year, click here.  Class will follow the 10:30 am Mass; starting at 11:45pm and run until 1:00pm. We will be located downstairs of the Cathedral in the Media Room.  For more information on the high school curriculum, visit Diocese High School Curriculum.

We will be *soon* implementing Small Groups into our ministry every month as a way to grow in community and learn from other’s perspectives. Be on the look out for more information about this!

We have started doing a quarterly newsletter called the Key to update parents and teens about the happenings of Youth Ministry in our parish. The first one was released in July and you can find it here: The Key Vol. 1

Confirmation Preparation: please visit Confirmation.


SPECIAL EVENTS: See Youth & Family Events.