Eucharistic Adoration
Parishioners are encouraged to visit the Blessed Sacrament Chapel and spend time in Eucharistic Adoration. This devotion has been a beautiful source of parish renewal as well as a way of strengthening individual spirituality. Adorers may commit to spend one hour per week in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, or, you may simply come to the chapel whenever you are able.
Information on the Adoration Tabernacle can be found at this link.
Please call Jim Dowling at (906) 250-4454 for information.
First Fridays and First Saturdays
First Friday Masses are at 8 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. Confession is at 6 p.m.
First Saturday Masses are at 10 a.m., followed by praying the rosary.
Invite Mother Mary Home (Our Lady of Fatima)
Sign up to take Our Lady of Fatima into your home for a week. Your family will draw closer to her and her Son. This program is designed for all ages and family sizes. The parish Our Lady of Fatima statue kit includes rosaries, scapulars, Fatima movies and prayer aids (both for a variety of ages) and the Our Lady of Fatima statue. Praying for her intercession, families will experience an increase in grace and holiness.
Sign up at the Marian table in the parish gathering space. Contact the Faith Formation Office for more information.
Sacred Heart Enthronement
Do you want peace in your family? Jesus made a promise to those who would have a devotion to his Sacred Heart to help with just that! Call Deacon Louie Londo at 906-458-4868 for more information or for your free home enthronement and family consecration. Sign ups are also available in the parish gathering space.